by Lewis | Nov 23, 2020 | Features |
Domestic and sexual based violence during COVID-19 pandemic. Domestic and sexual based violence during COVID 19 pandemic. Listen to this Swahiliinterview done by Koch FM and Psychologist Ngini Nasongo....
by Lewis | Nov 23, 2020 | Features |
Importance of supporting Health Workers. In the fight against COVID -19, Support for health workers is Key. Why is this important? Listento this Swahili interview done by Koch FM and Psychologist Mika Langat....
by Lewis | Nov 23, 2020 | Features |
How parents can help children who are victims of stress. Children, just like adults, are also victims of stress. So how can parents help in this? Listen tothis Swahili interview done by Koch FM and Psychologist Mika Langat.....
by Lewis | Nov 23, 2020 | Features |
Stigma and trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic. What do you understand about Stigma and trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic? Listen tothis Swahili interview done by Koch FM and Psychologist Mika Langat....
by Lewis | Nov 23, 2020 | Features |
The Difference between stress and depression. What is the difference between stress and depression? Listen to this Swahili interview done byKoch FM and Psychologist Mika Langat. Related Links...