EK FM public forum

EK FM public forum

EK FM public forum This a live coverage of public forum on public participation done Ekialo Kiona Radio station. The Public forum was part of ‘our county our responsibility’ project took place at Mbita town and its purpose was to bring together community members,...
EK FM public forum

Importance of public participation

Importance of public participation The talk show is produced by radio Domus Marie and is about the importance of public participation and it  is part of ‘our county our responsibility’ project which was undertaken to empower the local population to actively...
EK FM public forum

Water and public participation

Water and public participation The talk show is produced by Bus radio and is addressing the shortage of water in Kajiado County and how public participation can help demanding for better services from the county. The talk show is part of ‘our county our responsibility...
EK FM public forum


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TALK SHOW The talk show is produced by Radio Amani Tana river and is  on Public participation done by Amani Radio in Tana River, it is part of ‘our county our responsibility’ project. The aims of the radio show is to inform and educate the...
EK FM public forum


Radio Drama On Health Radio drama on health and the importance of heath facilities to society. https://sikika.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/RADIO-DRAMA-ON-HEALTH.mp3 Related Links Knowledge Hub Sikika Platform...